On June 19, 2014, our dear friend Ryan Joseph Candice took his own life; just two weeks shy of his 21st birthday.
Ryan was one of the most warm-hearted, welcoming guys. His inclusiveness made him immensely popular on campus, and his kindness made you feel lucky to call him a friend. He was the life of the party; everyone's best friend. As an international business major at the University of Missouri, he was smart, well respected, and determined. He had an incredibly bright future ahead of him. Ryan was the last person that anyone would expect to die by suicide.
No one saw it coming.
A man who seemingly had it all, Ryan exemplifies the fact that mental illness does not discriminate and you never know what battles people may secretly be fighting. The stigma keeps so many from reaching out for the help they desperately need.
Unfortunately, Ryan is one of MANY.
Over 44,000 Americans take their lives each year. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for Americans ages 10-24. It has become increasingly prevalent due in part to inadequate access to resources and the stigma surrounding mental illness that keeps so many from seeking help.
Wake Up Documentary
Project Wake Up is a 501(c)3 non profit organization aiming to combat the growing suicide epidemic. Our goal is to encourage a change in the way mental illness is legislated, funded and perceived by the public. We hope to help combat the stigma surrounding mental illness and start a compassionate dialogue so that people can feel comfortable reaching out for help and will have access to care once they do.
Ryan's story is the alpha and omega of our film and is surrounded by stories of diverse Americans on the frontlines of suicide prevention. Our film chronicles the college student, the LGBTQ community, U.S. Veterans, bi-partisan suicide preventive-gun control and more with the ultimate goal of showing that this issue touches everyone in our nation.